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Business Intelligence (BI) #2

Sudah lama saya tidak belajar BI, posting pertama yang dulu pernah saya tulis Business Intelligence (BI) #1: (Data Warehouse). Entah kenapa setelah membaca ada sebuah BI yang open source dan free "Pentaho" membuat hati saya bergejolak untuk belajar kembali. Untuk di Indonesia, kita dapat belajar Online dari sumber Saya lampirkan mengenai definisi BI yang mungkin lebih jelas. Akhirnya tulisan ini sebagai awal untuk memulai kembali menuju implementasi Pentaho.

Sumber: Forum BI

~ What is Business Intelligence ? ~ 

Business Intelligence (BI) is a business management term, which refers to applications and technologies that are used to gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information about company operations. Business intelligence systems can help companies have a more comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their business, such as metrics on sales, production, internal operations, and they can help companies to make better business decisions. 

Business Intelligence (BI) is the delivery of accurate, useful information to the appropriate decision makers within the necessary time frame to support effective decision making. 

~ Why you should build Business Intelligence Solutions ~ 

1. To identify state of organizational achievement.
BI allows organizations to achieve their strategic vision by aligning the organization at all levels to focus on activities that contribute to the strategic vision. 

2. To monitor organization performance and identify organization problems. 
BI provides insight into the performance of the organization at all levels. BI allows organizations to easily view the performance problems of non-performing assets. 

3. To dig more deeply within Existing Resources. 
Most organizations fail to use their existing data resources fully. By implementing BI, organizations can use all of their operational data to provide the required strategic information and performance metrics to improve decision making and overall organizational performance. 

~ Business Intelligence Solutions use OLTP and OLAP System ~ 

On Line Transaction Processing (OLTP) is a system that record business interactions as they happen. They support the day-to-day operation of an organization. 

On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a systems which retrieve and analyze data to reveal business trends and statistics not directly visible in the data directly retrieved from a data mart or a data warehouse to support effective decision making. Also known as multidimensional analysis. 

~ Business Intelligence consumes Data Mart / Data Warehouse ~ 

What is Data Mart ? 
A Data Mart is a body of historical data in an electronic repository that does not participate in the daily operations of the organization. Instead, this data is used to create business intelligence. The data in the data mart usually applies to a specific area of the organization. 

What is Data Warehouse ? 
Data warehouses tend to be large, one-stop-shopping repositories where all the historical data for the organization would be stored (Integrated Data Marts). 

~ What is Multidimensional Database in OLAP System ?  ~ 

A Multidimensional Database is structured around measures, dimensions, hierarchies, and cubes rather than tables, rows, columns, and relations. Also known as Cube. 

What is Measure ? 
        A Measure is a numeric quantity expressing some aspect of the organization's performance. The information represented by this quantity is used to support or evaluate the decision making and performance of the organization. A measure can also be called a fact. 

What is a Dimension ? 
        A Dimension is a categorization used to spread out an aggregate measure to reveal its constituent parts. 

What is an Attribute ? 
        An Attribute is an additional piece of information pertaining to a dimension member that is not the unique identifier or the description of the member. 

What is a Hierarchy ? 
        A Hierarchy is a structure mode up of two or more levels of related dimensions. A dimension at an upper level of the hierarchy completely contains one or more dimensions from the next lower level of the hierarchy. 

What is Fact Table ? 

Fact Table is the core table of a Business Intelligence, it store all measures and all dimensions primary keys. Potentially, one row will be in the fact table for every unique combination of dimension members. The word "potentially" is used here because there may be some combination of dimension members that do not have a value. In some cases, a particular combination of dimension members may not even make sense. 

~ Data Warehouse Database Schema ~ 

The Star Schema 
        A Star Schema is a relational database schema used to hold measures and dimensions in a data mart. The measures are stored in a fact table and dimensions are stored in dimension tables. 

The Snowflake Schema 
        The snowflake schema represents hierarchies in a manner that is more familiar to those of us who have been working with relational databases. In a snowflake schema, each level of a hierarchy is stored in a separate dimension table. 

~ OLAP Architecture 

* Relational OLAP (ROLAP) 
* Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) 
* Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) 

~ What is ETL ? ~ 

The Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) is a process that extracts data to copy from one or more OLTP systems, performs any required data cleansing to transform the data to a consistent format, and loads the cleansed data by inserting it into the data mart.


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